Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Painting Roses on White Table-18.2.2014

Hello Again,

This is my first time painting such a big and white surface.  I am afraid that I might not get it right or I might have spoil it.  This is also my first time painting such a big rose with One-Stroke method. Luckily everything turned out fine.  No mess or stain.  In fact, it is easier and faster to finish painting on a this surface because of One-Stroke method and no base coat required.

Here you are.

Roses on White Table

I quite like white surface..........

Hope you had a great day today.

Good Night!

Posted on Tuesday, 18.2.2014

Paintings on Old Table-18.2.2014

Welcome to Year 2014 Everyone!

When my friend asked me whether I wanted an old table with snakes and ladders games on the surface, the 1st thing that came into my mind is that I wanted to turn the yellowish table into a bright and fresh table.  I wanted to try painting something on the table but I had no idea what to  paint on it at that moment. I kept it for some times and just before the Chinese New Year, I thought I better had it painted.  

I had no idea what to paint and how to get it started.  Initially I started to  paint all the edges of the table. But when I found that it's difficult to blend the colour evenly, I started the dapping method. Eventually I developed some ideas while I was dapping the table.  I just wanted to get my idea right. Somehow, I just follow the flow of my ideas.  

I wanted to do something to the table so that I can see some changes and I wanted to make to table looks nice. Finally this is what I had done to the table. 

My Dapping Method

Final Result
 No matter what, I think this is better than before.

I hope you like it too.

Happy New Year to Everyone!

Posted on Tuesday, 18..2.2014.