Saturday, September 29, 2012

Black T-Shirt with yellow roses-29.09.2012

Good evening, good everning!

It's has been a while since I last posted my paintings and creations.  I have not done any paintings or artworks for some times due to unforseen circumstances..  Now, I am going to catch up with what I have missed. I am going to keep myself busy doing more paintings and varities of handmade crafts. Sure, I am going to share all of them with you guys.  

Here is a Black T-Shirt with yellow roses. Painting T-Shirts on black background isn't easy.  You need to use white colour for the base before painting anything on it.  If not, the colours will be very dull.  

Black T-Shirt with Yellow Roses

This T-Shirt was sold-off. It was painted upon my friend's request. Thank you pal for your support.

Good night!