Monday, August 22, 2011



"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most gorgeous of them all? " Well, do buy a mirror and see for yourself....hahaha..... I have painted several designs for you to choose.  All the mirors are gorgeous and attractive and each mirror has its individual beauty.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Beauty is skin deep. Judge for yourself and choose the one you like best.

The mirror is only cost RM50.00.  The price is very reasonable.







Apple Tree Blossom



Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom

 If you can't decide online, do come and visit us at the Art Market, 1st Floor DeGarden, Ipoh Garden on 30.8.2011 and 31.8.2011 anytime from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 pm.  We will only be there for 2 days. 

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Name Plaques-21.8.2011

Good evening!

I was delighted to receive 2 more orders for name plaque from friend, Fee Yoong .  I am glad that the two name plaques turned out to be very colourful and attractive. I am also glad that she likes them very much.

I like to paint clay letterings because I like to match colours and create different effect by painting the same letter with different colours.  I have to think of what colours to match and where the letters should be placed so that I don't repeat the same colour next to each other. I have to have a mixture of colours in order to make the plaques look colourful and nice.  I also need to make sure that the colours are evenly spread.  In other words, colours combination is very important.  You may see some samples below.

Tiple 'A'

Tiple 'Y'
Double 'O'
Double 'H'

Double 'P'

Triple 'S'

Not only I like to match the colours, I also like to match the letters.  It's fun to form words by using those beautiful letters. I feel so young again....hahaha......You may also see some samples below too.

Letter: VIP

Letter: RAN
Letter: TIE

Letter: EAR

For varnishing I noticed that Aerosol spray is easier to use and can get a better result than the liquid varnish. Liquid varnish is a bit messy compared to Aerosol spray.

Finally, here are the 2 beautiful name plaques.  I hope the owners like their name plaques. Well, my mum like them a lot.  She is so impressed with the colourful and bright letters. She said she also wanted to make one for herself and hang it in her room.  I couldn't help laughing at her remark.   
Before sticking letters on the Plaque

Before sticking the letters on the Plaque

Joseph's Workshop
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friend, Fee Yoong for being patient and understanding. She gave me priority to prepare my paintings for the coming event at Art Market.  I am pleased that  I have finally finished her name plaques with flying colours.

Good night everybody!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

T-Shirts for my own-16.8.2011

Good Evening

I would like to share with you my new T-Shirts.  I have painted 2 T-Shirts for my own.  These are definitely not for sales.  I like these two T-Shirts very much.  The artistic designs make the T-Shirts very unique. 


See You!

Posted on Tuesday, 16.8.2011

Stony Pets-16.8.2011


Do you know besides painting flowers and designs on the stones, you may also paint animals?  It's facinating, isn't it?  Well, just take a look at the rabbit and dog which I had painted on the stones.  Aren't they handsome? My Mum likes them and she finds them very cute.  They are her pets....hahaha.... 

A Dog and A Rabbit

Side View

Oops,  look at the powdery face!
I am going to paint more animals on the stones later.  Do look out for them. Bye!

Posted on Tuesday, 16.8.2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Doll on Cut-out Board

Good evening,

I have another interesting doll to share with you. Well, she has a sweet smile. She is huge but voluptuous....hahaha.... Of course, she is an artist and whatever she paints with her hands, she shares with her kind and generous of her.

Her sharing

Her painting equipments

Her palette
Her brushes and paints

See Ya!